Christian maturity doesn’t depend solely on our own strength and effort. If it did, we would be in big trouble because we can’t do it by ourselves.
God supplies us with everything we need to live a godly lifestyle. Jesus gives us the motivation and the power to change spiritually because of His life within us as Christians.
He has also given us all His beautiful promises to equip us for life and godliness. We all need Jesus to mold us and make us after His will and desire; each and every one of us. Spiritual growth involves God’s resources as the foundation, but it is also our own personal responsibility to use diligence in our lives so that we may grow. We need a wiliness on our part to see that we need to change to be more like Christ.
Please read 2 Peter 1:3-8 that gives us direction on our path of spiritual maturity. Verse 3 says, “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.”
Spiritual growth is a life-long process and to do so we need to progress in these seven areas of our lives.
1. Moral Excellence:
We are to grow in the character qualities that marked Jesus. Just as He always obeyed the Father and lived to glorify Him, so should we. It’s the moral courage to live your faith, to do what’s right.
2. Knowledge:
We gain the knowledge of how God wants us to live through His Word. As we put this knowledge to use, it helps us to grow to know Jesus Christ better.
3. Self-Control:
The virtue of one who masters his/her desires and passions.
4. Patient Endurance:
This refers to the ability to endure hardship and distress in the midst of suffering; we stay the course.
5. Godliness:
Respect of God and His will, seeking to please God in everything.
6. Brotherly Affection:
This especially refers to the love that we are to show to others in the family of God.
7. Love:
This is the Greek, agape, which is a self-sacrificing commitment to seek the highest good of the one loved.
We probably all know different people all along this path as well as us. Encourage them toward maturity as well. Pray for them to move to in the right directions. It may take time for us to invest ourselves into helping them. By doing this it will help us to move closer to the place Christ wants us to be, and is a sure sign that we are maturity too.
Blessings and Stay Safe,
Pastor Chuck
God supplies us with everything we need to live a godly lifestyle. Jesus gives us the motivation and the power to change spiritually because of His life within us as Christians.
He has also given us all His beautiful promises to equip us for life and godliness. We all need Jesus to mold us and make us after His will and desire; each and every one of us. Spiritual growth involves God’s resources as the foundation, but it is also our own personal responsibility to use diligence in our lives so that we may grow. We need a wiliness on our part to see that we need to change to be more like Christ.
Please read 2 Peter 1:3-8 that gives us direction on our path of spiritual maturity. Verse 3 says, “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.”
Spiritual growth is a life-long process and to do so we need to progress in these seven areas of our lives.
1. Moral Excellence:
We are to grow in the character qualities that marked Jesus. Just as He always obeyed the Father and lived to glorify Him, so should we. It’s the moral courage to live your faith, to do what’s right.
2. Knowledge:
We gain the knowledge of how God wants us to live through His Word. As we put this knowledge to use, it helps us to grow to know Jesus Christ better.
3. Self-Control:
The virtue of one who masters his/her desires and passions.
4. Patient Endurance:
This refers to the ability to endure hardship and distress in the midst of suffering; we stay the course.
5. Godliness:
Respect of God and His will, seeking to please God in everything.
6. Brotherly Affection:
This especially refers to the love that we are to show to others in the family of God.
7. Love:
This is the Greek, agape, which is a self-sacrificing commitment to seek the highest good of the one loved.
We probably all know different people all along this path as well as us. Encourage them toward maturity as well. Pray for them to move to in the right directions. It may take time for us to invest ourselves into helping them. By doing this it will help us to move closer to the place Christ wants us to be, and is a sure sign that we are maturity too.
Blessings and Stay Safe,
Pastor Chuck